
Nucleic Acid MOdeling Tool(NAMOT) is a graphic tool to build and manipulate nucleic acid structures. It is built upon the reduced set of coordinates developed here at Los Alamos National Laboratory in collaboration with scientists at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Goettingen,Germany. Use of these reduced coordinates provide a powerful and intuitive interface to nucleic acid structure. NAMOT2 features a set of user modifiable libraries that provide flexibility for users to expand NAMOT2 to fit their research needs. The graphic user interface attempts to make the program as efficient as possible while still retaining the power of the parameter set. Both Motif and XView interfaces exist, allowing NAMOT to run on most UNIX workstations. NAMOT produces graphic output in PS and PPM formats. PDB,AMBER, and parameter formats can be used as both input and output.

This document is released as LAUR-94-3506