Appendix 2-Specifiers

There are two main forms of specifiers in NAMOT2. You will only encounter the Atom specification if you are working on the command line. The geometry controls accept H:U or H:U:B specifications. On the command line, the HUBA format is the default, to use MCGA format, you must put a single "m" in front of the specifier.

  1. H:U:B:A (Helix:Unit:Base:Atom)
    Where each field, except for the Atom field, contains the number of the type to be specified. Possible wild cards are "-",",", and "*".
    Specifies all atoms of units 1 through 3 on every helix.
    Specifies all atoms of units 1 and 12 on every helix.
  2. M:C:G:A (Molecule:Chain:Group:Atom)
    Where each field, except for the Atom field, contains the number of the type to be specified. Possible wild cards are "-",",", and "*".
    Specifies the phosphate atoms on all groups of chain 1 on every molecule.
    Specifies all atoms of groups 1 and 12 on all chains on all molecules.

Specifying atoms

The program understands regex expressions in the atom field. Examples: