Appendix 1-Adding a base

There is an auxiliary program to NAMOT2 that produces the base.lib entries. This program is known as builder and is distributed separately.

To use builder you need:

Example: Guanine Purine The added Hydrogen: defining atoms:C2 N1 C6 new atom name:H6 atom3-new atom bond length:1.0 atom2-atom3-new atom bond angle:120 atom1-atom2-atom3-new atom torsional:180 Molecular weight of new atom:0 gua-mw: 15 12 14 12 12 12 14 13 14 0 0 0 0 0 gua-con: 1 2 6 12 2 1 3 10 3 2 4 4 3 5 9 5 4 6 7 6 1 5 11 7 5 8 8 7 9 15 9 4 8 10 2 13 14 11 6 12 1 13 10 14 10 15 8 gua-vdw: 6 1 6 1 1 1 6 1 6 6 4 8 8 8 8 8:25am: [esc@namot {23}] ./builder gua gua-mw 1:N1 2:C2 3:N3 4:C4 5:C5 6:C6 7:N7 8:C8 9:N9 10:N2 11:O6 12:H1 13:HN2A 14:HN2B Purine(pur), pyrimidine(pyr), or unknown(unk):pur base name:GUA List atoms to add A "," ends the input of the extra-atoms atom1# atom2# atom3# MW 2 1 6 H6 1.0 120 180 0 . 8:27am: [esc@namot {24}]